Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Lightness of Gamine Autumn

One of the things I have mentioned here is that I believe that my Gamine Autumn color palette is a Light Autumn palette, and I theorized that Gamine Autumn might be a light autumn, in general.

Well, apparently, I am having some difficulty understanding just how light it is. Every time I go through my closet again, to make sure that what I have grouped together is really the very best combination of colors from the clothes I currently own, I realize that at least one or two things I have thrown into the mix is too dark!

I just did that again today.

In his book, Color Your Style, David says that when we look in our closets, the colors we see should tell a story about who we are. Finally, today, in the grouping I arrived at after yet another culling, I felt like I might be seeing myself in the clothes that were left.

(linking up this week with Monday Mingle)


  1. Replies
    1. I know what you mean, Kristin! And I always feel so much better afterward. Thanks for dropping by!
