Friday, November 6, 2015

My Gamine Autumn Romantic Color

In these pics, I am wearing my Romantic color in the cardigan, which I love! The orange jewelry is a color from my palette, too (a pastel).

But the tank top and leggings are "cheats." There is a purple in my eye (the outer ring) so I have given it to myself as a color I can wear, but it is not Zyla-approved.

It is a deep autumn color, though.

And I think the style of the outfit would work with my style recommendations.

(pardon my slippers, btw)

Hope you are having a great weekend!


Friday, October 30, 2015

Gamine Autumn Outfit


Again, I am posting after a long absence, and a lot has happened since I last posted. I am still using my Gamine Autumn palette but I cheat on it quite regularly.

Light Autumn

I found out this past summer that I was anemic, and I believe that changed my coloring just enough to make Light Autumn make sense. To be sure, a few of my Gamine Autumn colors are indeed in the Light Autumn color palette.

But there are more in the Deep Autumn color palette.

I think I am an Intense Autumn, which is basically the same as the Vivid Autumn designation in Color Alliance. So I've added more color, which means a wider range of color than my GA palette offers. I love the DA palette, too, but am softening a bit and can't wear its deepest colors.

Gamine Autumn

I can wear these colors, though, and I think I am going to do a palette extension with David Zyla to see what else I might be able to wear under the Gamine Autumn heading.

This picture is of me wearing my Energy color and my 2nd Base color. These colors also can be found both in Light Autumn & in Deep Autumn.

Gamine Autumn Personality

I have been thinking a lot about whether what I wear expresses who I am as a Gamine Autumn and even when I cheat, and trying to make sure it does.

How about you? Does what you wear fully express who you are?

Have a wonderful weekend!


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Blog Evolves

Wow, it's been a LONG time since I posted here!

I'm feeling pretty secure about my place as a Gamine Autumn & Light Autumn. I've been playing with those colors for over a year and I love them. I think my "eyes" have adjusted, so I'm not making as many mistakes as I once did.

I'm still working on style, but I feel pretty good about that, too, actually.

However, that doesn't mean there's nothing left I want to do here. I'm working on a midlife makeover. Not just with my appearance, though that is a big part of it.

I'm getting older and suddenly, I am NOT willing to look like it! So I am getting serious about looking younger, and making a few changes here and there in my look.


I also intend to make some changes in my life in general. Hopefully, I will write about them all here. :)

What changes do you have planned this year?